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Keyboard short cut

PyConsole supports the following keyboard short cut

  1. Normal Input:
key bindingcommand
Enterrun code under current input
Shift + Enterenter a new line
Ctrl + Enterrun command
Arrow upgo to previous command
Arrow downgo to next command
Ctrl + k / pgo to previous command
Ctrl + j / ngo to next command
Ctrl + ago to start of command
Ctrl + ego to end of command
Ctrl + dKeyboard Interrupt (firefox addon currently not working)
Ctrl + hmove cursor left by one character
Ctrl + lmove cursor right by one character
Ctrl + uclear content of current line
  1. Auto Complete:
key bindingcommand
TabSelect next auto complete
Ctrl + jSelect next auto complete
Ctrl + kSelect previous auto complete
Escexit autocomplete pop up menu
  1. Vim normal mode:
key bindingcommand
EscSwitch to vim normal mode
iInsert character to left of cursor
wMove cursor one word forward
bMove cursor one word backward
jMove cursor one line down
kMove cursor one line up
hMove cursor one character left
lMove cursor one character right
sDelete character under current cursor
switch to insert mode
xDelete character under current cursor
keep in normal mode
ddDelete current line
oAdd a new line below current line
OAdd a new line above current line